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Research Report on Developing Trend of China’s Cooperative Software Market from =

报告目&= #24405;及图表目录

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智研数据研究中心 &#= 32534;制

一、 报&= #21578;报价

Research Report on Developing Trend of China’s Cooperative Software Market from信息及时,资料详&#= 23454;,指导性强,具有?= 20;家,独到,独特的优= 势。旨在帮助客户掌= 5569;区域经济趋势,获?= 1;优质客户信息,准确&= #12289;全面、迅速了解目= 069;行业发展动向,从而= ;提升工作效率和效果&#= 65292;是把握企业战略发ì= 37;定位不可或缺的重要= 决策依据。 =

报告详细#= 775;问地址://www.compuke.net/b/ruanjian/4310438J0F.html

产品?= 5;格:印刷版:RMB 9800 电子版:RMB 9800 印刷版+电子版:RMB 10000 <= /o:p>

全国?= 9;一客服电话:400-600-8596= (免长话费)010-80993963


联系?= 4;:刘老师谭老师陈老师 =

报= ;告说明、目录及图表&#= 30446;录详见第二部分。 =

二、 说&= #26126;、目录、图表目录

Research Report on Developing Trend of China’s Cooperative Software Market from 2006 to 2007 内容介绍:

One. General introduction

  1. Method

  2. Background

  3. New definition of cooperative software

  4. Changing trend of application

  5. Conclusion and major opinions

Two. Analysis on Trend of Investment in Information of China’s Enterprises from 2006 to 2009

  1. IT investment scale from 2006 to

  2. IT investment structure from 2006 to

  3. Government IT investment from 2006 to

  4. Manufacturing industry IT investment from 2006 to

Three. Status Quo of China’s Cooperative Software Market

  1. INvestmenet scale and trend

  2. Analysis on customer structure

  3. Analysis on industrial structure

  4. Analysis on regional structure

  5. Analysis on brand market structure

Four. Analysis on Construction Process of China’s Cooperative Software System

  1. Construction of enterprise platform

  2. Purchase time and planned renew time

  3. Analysis on recognition channels

  4. Payment method of purchase

  5. Analysis on main body of systems

  6. Analysis on functional application frequency

  7. Purchase price

Five. Elements Impacting Development of China’s Cooperative Software Market from 2005 to 2006

  1. Favorable elements

  2. Unfavorable elements

Six. Analysis on Competitiveness of China’s Cooperative Software Enterprises in 2006

  1. Oversea enterprises

  2. Ufida

  3. Click tech

  4. Weaver

  5. Inspur

  6. CTOP

Seven. Analysis on Customer Demand of Cooperative Software Market from 2006 to 2006

  1. Analysis on regional demand

  2. Analysis on scale demand

  3. Analysis on industry demand

  4. Analysis function demand

Eight. Analysis on Purchase Behavior of Cooperative Software Industry

  1. Elements of purchase decision

  2. Purchase method

  3. Analysis purchase channel

  4. Analysis on decision procedure

Nine. Analysis on Opportunity of China’s Cooperative Software Market in 2006

  1. Real estate

  2. Insurance

  3. Fast consumption goods

  Ten. Conclusion and Suggestion

  1. Strategy of products

  2. Strategy of prices

  3. Strategy of channels

  4. Strategy of service

  5. Strategy of brands

  Diagram 1. Analysis on information stages of big enterprises from 2004 to

  Diagram 2. Analysis on information stages of small enterprises from 2004 to

  Diagram 3. Analysis on information scale and growth trend in

  Diagram 4. Analysis on information scale and growth trend of subdivided markets in

  Diagram 5. IT investment of China’s key industries from 2003 to

  Diagram 6.Percentage of purchase by governments without OA in

  Diagram 7. IT expenditure structure from 2004 to

  Diagram 8. Regional structure of IT investment from 2004 to

  Diagram 9. Customer structure of IT investment from 2004 to

  Diagram 10. Recognition by small enterprises in

  Diagram 11. Structure of enterprise with IT investment in China from 2004 to

  Diagram 12. Brand distribution of key products in

  Diagram 13. IT investment of key government organs in

  Diagram 14. Distribution of IT investment regions from 2004 to

  Diagram 15. IT expenditure of governments from 2003 to

  Diagram 16. IT procurement scale and organs from 2003 to

  Diagram 17. Information application stage of government in

  Diagram 18. IT system construction structure of key organs of government in

  Diagram 19. Procurement structure of government software products from 2004 to

  Diagram 20. Change of IT investment capital channels from 2004 to

  Diagram 21. Analysis on network environment of China’s manufacturing industry in

  Diagram 22. Distribution of China’s manufacturing industry in

  Diagram 23. IT expenditure of China’s manufacturing industry from 2003 to

  Diagram 24. IT procurement of China’s manufacturing industry from 2003 to

  Diagram 25. Scale and growth of information of China’s manufacturing industry in

  Diagram 26. Scale and structure of IT procurement of China’s manufacturing industry from 2003 to

  Diagram 27. Information level of China’s manufacturing industry in

  Diagram 28. Regional IT investment of China’s manufacturing industry in

  Diagram 29. IT investment of big, middle and small enterprises of China’s manufacturing industry from 2004 to

  Diagram 30. IT investment of enterprises of different natures of China’s manufacturing industry from 2004 to

  Diagram 31. Procurement structure of hardware products of China’s manufacturing industry in

  Diagra 32. Procurement structure of software products of China’s manufacturing industry in

  Diagram 33. Structure of China’s software industry in

  Diagram 34. Structure of China’s application software industry in

  Diagram 35. Scale of China’s cooperative software market from 2004 to

  Diagram 36. Concentration of China’s cooperative software market in

  Diagram 37. Customer scale and structure of China’s cooperative software market in

  Diagram 38. Application distribution of China’s cooperative software market in

  Diagram 39. Regional distribution of China’s cooperative software market in

  Diagram 40. Enterprise departments distribution of China’s cooperative software market in

  Diagram 41. IT management staff of China’s cooperative software market in

  Diagram 42. Access way of customer network of China’s cooperative software in

  Diagram 43. Band breadth of customer network of China’s cooperative software in

  Diagram 44.Procurement time of China’s cooperative software

  Diagram 45. Planned procurement of China’s cooperative software by OA system

  Diagram 46. Planned procurement of China’s cooperative software by without OA

  Diagram 47.Recoginition channels of China’s cooperative software

  Diagram 48. Payment of procurement of China’s cooperative software

  Diagram 49. Investment main body of China’s cooperative software

  Diagram 50. Procurement prices of China’s cooperative software

  Diagram 51. Market scale and growth trend of China’s cooperative software from 2004 to

  Diagram 52. Anlaysis on regional demand of of China’s cooperative software from 2006 to

  Diagram 53. Anlaysis on scale demand of of China’s cooperative software from 2006 to

  Diagram 54. Anlaysis on industrial demand of of China’s cooperative software from 2006 to

  Diagram 55. Anlaysis on functional demand of of China’s cooperative software from 2006 to

  Diagram 56. Analysis on decisioin making elements of procurement of China’s cooperative software

  Diagram 57. Analysis on procurement way of China’s cooperative software

  Diagram 58. Analysis on procurement channels of China’s cooperative software

  Diagram 59. Analysis on procurement projects of China’s cooperative software

  Diagram 60. Analysis on approved procurement projects of China’s cooperative software

  Diagram 61. Departments with the application of China’s cooperative software

  Table 1. Top three domestic enterprises of China’s cooperative software

  Table 2. Category of cooperative software by flexibility of work flow

  Table 3. Category of cooperative software by basic technology

  Table 4. Category of cooperative software by task transferring system

  Table 5. Three layers of China’s cooperative software

  Table 6. Changes of global cooperative software industry

  Table 7. New requirements for cooperative software in

  Table 8. Change trend of cooperative platform software

  Table 9. Change trend of cooperative tool software

  Table 10. Change trend of cooperative application software

  Table 11. Trend of cooperative management in

  Table 12. Six features of of China’s cooperative software market in

  Table 13. Development of China’s cooperative software industry in

  Table 14. Cost analysis on China’s cooperative software

  Table 15. Customers of China’s cooperative software enterprises in

  Table 16. Product system of UFida

  Table 16. Market channel plan of Click tech in

  Table 18. Analysis on developing strategy of Click tech in

  Table 19. Products of Weaver cooperative software

  Table 20. Features of SOA cooperative software of CTOP

  Table 21. Analysis on change of China’s enterprise management procedure

报?= 8;详细访问地址://www.compuke.net/b/ruanjian/4310438J0F.html

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